A baby goat has been born with one eye in what has been hailed a ‘miracle’. Some villagers believe the goat, that was born in Assam in India, is sacred and have begun to worship it after it was born a week ago. ... ‘It might be something from God that the baby goat was born in India. Goat Born with rare Cyclops face | #National #Geographic
3 days ago - A goat suffering from cyclopia, with just one eye in the middle of its forehead, was born in May 2017. ... In May 2017, unnerving images and videos appeared purportedly showing a “cyclops”goat, bearing just one eye in the middle of its forehead: ... A goat with a syndrome called A goat with one large eye in the middle of its forehead, a birth defect caused by cyclopia, was born in a village in Assam, India, on May 10.